About Us

Selecting the Perfect Fabric for Customized Kids’ Apparel

Choosing the right fabric for children’s clothing can be a daunting task, given their delicate nature. In this video, I’ll walk you through my process of selecting the perfect fabric for my business, Little Beam. Whether you’re a parent, designer, or simply in the market for fabrics, these tips will be helpful to you.

Cute Models
Cute Models
From our in-house Design and Creative studios to our monthly birthday cupcake breaks. We love to build moments.
Awesome Products
Awesome Products
From our in-house Design and Creative studios to our monthly birthday cupcake breaks. We love to build moments.
Best Quality
Best Quality
From our in-house Design and Creative studios to our monthly birthday cupcake breaks. We love to build moments.

Our Philosophy

My name is Astha Sharma, and I specialize in weaving custom-made apparel for kids.
As said, knowledge increases by sharing but not by saving. My little step is to share whatever I have learned through my experience and I hope it will help you in any way, even if you are starting your own business or you have to buy fabrics for yourself.
Please share it with as many people as you can and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more such videos.